FREEDOM is the power or right to act, speak, or think as one wants without hindrance or restraint, also the right for freedom of action as long as it doesn't interfere or endanger others and movement, unhindered by persons or governments.
TRUTH is the freedom from promises when false, are used to distract and keep people waiting for solutions.It is also the recognition that many strategies are employed in politics which are understood as the act to propagate beliefs that are not true or not the whole truth (as in half-truths or omission) and manipulation which is the skillful handling, controlling or using of something or someone are both frequently used in the exercise of power.
JUSTICE as we are all born into this world as equals, and we all leave this world equally. So why do we not the whole of this life with these same qualities? Justice gives us the balance of judgement which demands that we also live our lives with equality as the most sacred of human experience.